Hollywood Bungalow Courts
These four historic bungalow courts exemplify the type of housing that largely characterized residential development in Hollywood during the early twentieth century.
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Built between 1921 and 1925, the four properties at 1516, 1544 and 1554 North Serrano Avenue and 1721 North Kingsley Drive exemplify the type of housing that largely characterized residential development in Hollywood during the early twentieth century. Built in the Bungalow, Mission Revival, and Spanish Colonial Revival styles, these four historic bungalow courts retain many of their historic features, including built-in ironing boards and rare pull-down tables.
These bungalows were built on land that later was rezoned to a much higher density, and they became targets for demolition in the early 2000s. Due to their historic significance, the owners decided to instead rehabilitate the bungalows, as they had suffered from deferred maintenance and inappropriate additions over the years. This project earned a 2010 Conservancy Preservation Award.