E. A. K. Hackett House
A Southern California Arts and Crafts classic and one of the most architecturally intact residences in the historic Pico-Union neighborhood.
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The E. A. K. Hackett House is one of the most architecturally intact residences in the historic Pico-Union neighborhood. The home was the West Coast residence of Edward Alexander Kelley Hackett, editor and publisher of The Sentinel of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Hackett was active in the local Immanuel Presbyterian Church and assisted in the development of the YMCA in Los Angeles.
The home is an example of the early Southern California Arts & Crafts movement, which combined Victorian and Craftsman influences.
The exterior features prominent gables and exposed roof rafters, and its shingles retain their original stained finish. The house is particularly significant for its large number of intact interior features, including original woodwork, hardware, etched-glass light fixtures, and glazed wallpaper with hand-painted details. Although additions have been made to the property over the past century, very few changes were made to the home’s original construction or interior features. The Conservancy holds a detailed easement protecting both the exterior façade and the significant interior features of this historic home.