Become a Member
Turn your passion into action today and enjoy exciting benefits, too!
Members provide essential support to the Conservancy’s advocacy and education efforts to preserve, revitalize, and promote culturally and architecturally significant historic places in Los Angeles County.
You strengthen the Conservancy’s voice and influence with elected officials, developers, and owners. Demolition cannot be undone. Please don’t wait until it’s too late to preserve the historic places in Los Angeles you care about. We need your membership support today!
The Los Angeles Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Membership dues are tax-deductible (Federal Tax ID: 95-3273046).
Membership Levels and Benefits
Individual members enjoy the following core benefits:
- $18 historic walking tours (up to four guests per tour)
- Pre-sales and discounts on special tours and most programs, including Last Remaining Seats, our June series of classic films in historic theatres!
- Subscription to LAndmark, our new, full-color quarterly publication
- Eligibility for our Community Leadership Boot Camp
$80/year $7month
Dual/Household members enjoy our core benefits for two individuals. That’s twice the benefits!
$100/year $10/month
Supporting members enjoy our core benefits for two individuals. Plus, new and upgrading members will also:
- Be listed in our member publication; and
- Receive a book about historic Los Angeles
$250/year $25/month
Sustaining members enjoy our core benefits for two individuals and will also:
- Have their name(s) listed in our member publication annually
- Receive a book about historic Los Angeles (new/upgrading members only)
$500/year $42/month
Benefactor members enjoy our core benefits for two individuals, plus:
- An invitation for two to Opening Night of Last Remaining Seats, including reception and reserved general seating
$1000+/year $84+/month
Cornerstone members provide major funding for the Conservancy’s programs with annual contributions of $1,000 or more and additional benefits, such as:
- Commemorative miniature historic building
- Reserved VIP seats at Last Remaining Seats
- Private group tour for twelve
Corporate Membership
Corporate Memberships enable businesses and organizations that support historic preservation in Los Angeles to enjoy the same benefits as individuals. Interested in more robust benefits? Check out our Cornerstone Corporate Membership benefits.

Gift Memberships
Share your love of historic Los Angeles with a gift membership to the L.A. Conservancy for family, friends, and colleagues! Each gift membership includes a full year of benefits, including a new quarterly member publication, special discounts, and advance notice of special tours and events. Best of all, you and your lucky gift recipient will actively preserve the historic places in Los Angeles.
Annual Gift Memberships start at $50/year.

Membership FAQs
For more information about L.A. Conservancy membership, check out our Membership FAQs or email us at info@laconservancy.org.
For more information, please email us at info@laconservancy.org. Benefits are subject to change without notice.
Give with trust.